well, the last few days have been doozy's. One of my kids is feeling overwhelmed at the things of life. Im feeling overwhelmed at the things around me (fighting w/one child,feeling for the overwhelemed, the other one has her own adult issues involving kids) and etc,daycare,money,foreclosure issues,other responsibilities.yuk.
I am a Christian and glad about the fact that if I was not I would have LOST IT years ago.
So after reading Souls post I am going to be glad that if prioritys are in order then I will be thankful for the people in my life and what really matters (Im working on being there).
I do remember being on the verge years ago oof literally breaking down. I was chosing to be away from God. But I got so darn angry that I cried out (literally) to Him and said I needed Him. And I was mad and depressed. And I remember that He did answer me. I ended up exhauseted and the next AM I woke up feeling waaay better.
So I am going to keep believeing Him to move like that again and I am working on changing things in my life. I take on too much of other peoples stuff.
I am hoping that me and skye can get away this weekend and go somewhere quiet, away from the immeadiate area. mebbe the beach or mtns or at least as far as 60.00 takes me! Ha!
Wish I had a camper. or a husband..LOLOLOLOL!
Ok, im gonna go get ready for church and lose this attitude during praise and worship. Yah,its THAT good!
And I will apologize to all 2 people tommrow that read this blog for my crazy,make no sense blog.
**Wow, I think I feel a little better already