Oh Happy Day!
Just a brief rundown at the Rodriguez household:
Today started off in the normal way (gulp). Thought I'd get some R & R. Take a leisurely bath, get dressed and go do a couple things.
My daughter told me she had maggots under the carpet!! GROSS! You see, a few months back our water heater leaked thru the wall and into the carpet. This carpet is 20 years old so you can imagine that it already smelled pretty bad.
So now we will have to spray,pull up the carpet,cut it into 3 peices cauze the garbage man (is that term politically correct?) wont pick it up for free if we dont,bleach the HECK outta the room AND I still have to try to find a carpet we can put over the concrete for free or near free.
Ok, that was number ONE. Here's number TWO:
Mind you , I already said we needed free stuff.......
Our water heater went out! So now we gotta boil water on the stove if we want to bathe. All 6 of us! 4 adults and 2 babies. Yuk!
But that's ok, I keep myself laughing because I actually put an ad up for a free, get this, USED water heater!! hahahahahahahahaha
I reaaly must trust God, cauze I knew when I put it up that it was near impossible, but..... He IS the God of the impossible. So anyway, I'll keep yall posted.
Since Im such a darn romantic. Im gonna watch the Nora Roberts movie I recorded. Well, Ill watch parts of it. I skip over the super sexed scenes like the good 9cough cough) girl that I am! toodles!