Thank you for the kind comment Soul. And yes, Cabela's was something else!
Of course it does not take much to entertain me.
So this journey called Texas, hmmm, where do I start?
How about w/the walk home yesterday?
Ma, you know your not in California anymore when you see this:

Quite the culture shock here for me!
Imagine of you will a place where men actually open the doors for ladies,say please and thank you,SMILE at strangers and ask "How y'all doin?"
Wow, I think Im in heaven!
Now, if I could just find that MAN. Hmmmmmm
You see, I KNOW I should be married.
Glad you asked!
I LOVE to take care of people! And don't like lonely.
I just had to "redefine" my title.
I went from "single mom" to "empty nester". YUK TWICE!
So where the heck are the Gentlemen? The good ones that is!
Ok, I'll be patient. I still have 3 or more years for school.
but when Im done it would be nice to have a soulmate,business partner and confidante.
You writing this all down, God?
Allright, on to other matters.
I have a job. Kinda. I start the nanny job Tues (tomorrow). Soul and Soulman have been kind enough to let me borrow the car. Thanks, guys! I keep telling Soul that her n Soulman are like peas n carrots.
And then next week my employers will rent a car for me to use to drive out there to work as a live-out. And if all goes well, I will become a live-in!
We all get along very well. they have 2 year old twins and a 7 year old . Cute family.
It will be nice to work again. Specially taking care of a household. Yah, im strange, I know.
Yikes! Dogs went beserk. I turned on music and they are not used to it. Wow. it's ok though.
Funny how even animals have routines.
Im about to be outta here but wanted to share why the post was named Secret. I have a secret blogspot where I once posted a very personal poem. felt like if i did NOT blog some feelings, that I would explode like the Blueberry girl from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
Well, I went to the blog to make it go byebye because I thought it just rambled (and it did). But a guy who posts poems here all the time said he was drawn in and was waiting to see more.
I have decided I will keep this secret blogspot and post more.

That's all for now!
you are such a brat-
ReplyDeletebut in a good way-
and yes-- my dogs do have routines-- just like their mamma :))
anyhow-- why don't ya walk back ovah there and git me some gizzahds eh?
don't knock em til ya try em.
ps-- congrats on z j-o-b !!!