Make sure you clean your chimmneys out cauze I heard you were all good this year! Break out with the cookies and milk (I heard he prefers chocolate). See Jesus and Santa, they tizight!
Jesus told Santa what was up and now santa has just a few hours to get presents out. So help expedite, aight??
Well, Im at Soul's. The snow has been coming down! I really want to get to a Christmas Eve service, but we will see..............
We opened some presents this morning. Soul got a nice Bible,Soulkid got a really cute one peice short/top outfit, Soulman got Burberry for men and I got a camera!! I been wanting one really bad. so than
ks again Soul! : )

Tomorrow I go get the family I work for at the airport. I sure hope its not early.
My phone is acting strange. I dropped it outside in the snow, sure hope thats not the prob. The back of the phone wasnt wet, and it was acting strange before I dropped it. Oh well.
Ok. Im gonna go see if Milestones service starts soon. its closer than where I was going to go.
I was supposed to go meet a friend for the first time at his church, but its cold,roads are slippery and I dont know that church.
See ya!
mewy cwistmas awdwey :))