Tuesday, December 2, 2008

New to this

Ok Bren and Sis, here I am. Blog me!! It's kind of late so I will try to be short.for the rest of y'all. I live in Cali. I am 41,single,Christian (extreme)(extremely in love w/my Creator,that is!),have 3 kids and 2 grandbabies, and the word "grandma" applied to myself is very strange to me.
I run a daycare or mebbe the daycare runs me. Im still trying to figure it out.
Very rarely do I follow writing "rules" so if your an English major please forgive me.
oh, Bren, by the way I used my Yahoo address to get on this website. So...... ****blowing raspberries*** go to sleep already! lol, just kidding (about the sleep thing,you can keep the raspberries) : )
Ok, enough for now. I will try to keep you entertained at another time.