Tuesday, December 2, 2008

New to this

Ok Bren and Sis, here I am. Blog me!! It's kind of late so I will try to be short.for the rest of y'all. I live in Cali. I am 41,single,Christian (extreme)(extremely in love w/my Creator,that is!),have 3 kids and 2 grandbabies, and the word "grandma" applied to myself is very strange to me.
I run a daycare or mebbe the daycare runs me. Im still trying to figure it out.
Very rarely do I follow writing "rules" so if your an English major please forgive me.
oh, Bren, by the way I used my Yahoo address to get on this website. So...... ****blowing raspberries*** go to sleep already! lol, just kidding (about the sleep thing,you can keep the raspberries) : )
Ok, enough for now. I will try to keep you entertained at another time.


  1. welcome to blogland my friend000
    but we absolutely must do something about these issues we have.
    STARTING with --- the stinkin word verification. get RID of it NOW. i cannot see well enough to mess with that every time i want to say somethin to you. ugh. i hate it, and i can't tell you how many times i get stuck doin it over and over. ugh. help-- i'm caught in a hanger :))

    next-- i gotaa ask--- "shammma"??? this came from where??? ya just might wanna re-think that one. no offense. but really. how bout somethin powerful? after what you said the other day??? warrior is very fitting. it fits your past you lived thru-- who you became-- and you know the rest.
    i don't know-- just think about it--k. you don't sound like a shamma-- that's all. that makes me think of cleaning. (quiver)

    and hey PHHHHHTTTTT to you too! i was sooo tired last night and i just could not get to sleep--had to be close to 2-- then up at 6 or 7 -- i dont even know - but it was a rough one.

    but yes-- i'll take the hit for bein wrong about needin a google acct.--- happy now?

    ok... what else? you know i can't remember nuthin. well, if you don't ... you will quickly learn... i have the memory of a flea!!!
    thank God for links, and internal phone books. i haven't remembered a phone number in years--- and without automatic links i would lose contact with everyone i know.
    and then i would be sad.

    well.. i shall go-- just wanted to check in and say howdy--- and i shall link you on my page-- so 'spect lotsa folks to be droppin in on ya.

    you have now been ordered to be an active part of the blogging community-- cuz we soul folks--- we thrive on the daily posters -- like vampires.
    ooooh. creepy huh.

    let me know what ya need help with.. send me an invite on yahoo chat k
    i'm soulmange there.
    sexy name huh? :))
    could you like picture me in like -- a leather teddy? (all soul-mangey.)

    alright i'm goin.
    ps-- don't forget to get rid of the EYE THING
    i hate it !!!!

  2. btw-- how am i sposed to link you if you're invite only?
    let's wait tile ya get all the bugs worked out then i'll get ya linked up.

    LOL my eye V- word is "hyper"
    i could only wish... more like corpse for me todY-- UGH.

    HAPPY TUESDAY TO YA GIRLIE-- OR WAIT IS IT WEDNESDAY? oh goodness, it is wednesday-- and i had my caps on.
    i swear i have no brain left.
    i do have to pee tho-- so i bettah go-
    c -yaaaaaa

  3. Hellllp! I cant work my way thru this blogger thingy. I cant find you people .WAAAAAAA!!! ok, Im done whining,now.
    Bren, how do I get rid of V E R I F I C A T I O N ?
    Ok, the shamma thing, I will post it on my blog what it means. He WAS a warrior. I need help working the bugs out. Im feeling a little bug phobic,here. A blog site should be easy to navigate.Ok, I have about 5 min to work on it so here goes.....

  4. ok i get it now-- the name i mean--shamma.
    anyhow--- why don't ya email me your password and email info to get in here and i'll get the basics set up for ya... it'll save lotsa time and hassle goin back n forth on the phone or emails. k.

    i'm gonna fall out soon.. so get on it-- or catch me tomorrow. k

  5. ps-- all ya gotta do to get to my page is click right here on my name.. where it says -- soul in blue.

  6. haven't you figured this out YET>>> call me.. so i can help you girl.
    how are ya?

  7. okay kid -- you are good to go-- get bloggin!
